在房产市场的各项指标中,除了房源量、销售量等非常直观的数据外,新增房贷量(new loan commitments)也是一项极有价值的指标。该项指标所衡量的是在一段特定时间内的新增房贷金额,通常剔除转贷(refinancing),只保留为新购住房发放的贷款量,用以直观反应该段时间内新增的房产交易金额总量。
ABS Head of Finance and Wealth, Amanda Senevirante said “August’s 12.6% increase in the value of home loan commitments is the largest month-on-month rise in the history of the series”
According to the same report, the number of owner occupier first home buyer loan commitments also rose 17.7%, reaching the highest level since October 2009.